관련사이트 [기획예산처] Ministry of Planning and Budget [공정거래위원회] Fair Trde Commission [금융감독위원회] Financial Supervisory Commissior [재정경제부] Ministry of Finance and Economy [외교통상부] Ministry of Freign Affairs and Trade [통계청] National Statistical Office [산업자원부] Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy [정보통신부] Ministry of information and Communication [노동부] Ministry of Labor 연구기관(정부) [산업연구원] Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade [한국노동연구원] Korea Labor Institute [한국개발연구원] Korea Development Institue [한국농촌경제연구원] Korea Rural Economic Institute [한국금융연구원] Korea Institute of Finance [한국조세연구원] Korea Institute of Public Finance [대외경제정책연구원] Korea Institute for International Economic Policy 연구기관(민간) [삼성경제연구소] Samsung Economic Research Institute [포스코경영연구소] POSCO Research Institute [한국경제연구원] Korea Economic Research Institute [현대경제연구원] Hyunday Research Institute [LG경제연구원] LG Economic Institute 연구기관(국외) Brookings Institution Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Kiel Institute of World Economics 국제기구 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC) Bank for International Settlements(BIS) European Union(EU) Internation Finance Corporation (IFC) International Labour Organization (ILO) International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO(ITC) International Monetary Fund(IMF) Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD) United Nations(UN) World Trade Organization(WTO) Unites Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD) Asian Development Bank(ADB) World Bank 경제신문지 [서울경제] [머니투데이] [대한금융신문] [헤럴드경제] [E-daily] [파이낸셜뉴스] [동아경제] [경영인신문] [포브스] 학회 [한국경영학회] [한국재무학회] [한국마케팅학회] [한국국제경영학회] [한국인사조직학회] [한국회계학회] [한국인사관리학회] [한국생산관리학회] 기타(경제학관련 주요 웹사이트 & 신용평가기관) 경제학관련 시용평가기관 주요 웹사이트 NetEc WEFA(Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates) 금융위기와 관련된 Roubini site 신용평가기관 Standard & Poor's(S&P) [무디스]